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A member registered Apr 17, 2017

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it was 1400x1050. i usually just dont like full screen so i'll do a more square window. because of this i'm guessing the game resolution is based off height, rather than width. 

Game has been really fun so far aside from the weird difficulty spike against the fairy prince. art style is really neat and enjoying the concept. i do have some comments and critiques about gameplay/bugs or other issues. 

Accidentally hit Chimera skills when i had none opening an interface i could not leave and had to just force quit. (lost about 20-30 min of progress)

Game resolution/framing is bad if you choose a more square window size, 3rd ally/enemy usually end up off screen and barely if at all interactable if it weren't for arrow key selection. 

You cannot load or go to the main menu once you have started playing which is kinda annoying, would be nice if there was a load option either in the menu or at crystals, or just an option to go to the main menu rather than full quit to reload. 

Optimize button does nothing on equipment page, may as well not exist. 

A chat log of some sort would be useful, as i have more than once accidentally skipped a box of dialog. 

Damage scaling vs healing is at least currently a bit harsh in the forest, healing barely keeps you alive if at all vs 2+ enemies that all seem to deal around 100-150 damage a hit (approx 1/2 - 1/3 max hp for all characters) and healing spells which are expensive dont even hit par for a potion. 

might be more but this is what i have noticed as a mix of things. 

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I think this is a neat game but by the time you get to the elevator puzzle, even somewhat understanding what all the symbols mean, some symbols seems to restrict other symbols by some sort of interaction and its hard to figure out what the correct solution is. i've manager to get to the main deck a few times, but that puzzle just gets extremely confusing due to the "S" symbol with dots on either end. What you state here is that symbol needs only 1 adjacent blue space. But from testing it seems like it wants adjacent spaces to do the opposite of their rule, or have no restriction, ex. hollow circle now must be filled, circle with dot and curve inside must be empty, etc.

 I think what would be helpful would be aside from those practice tablets should have series of puzzles to help you learn icon interactions, rather than just one that you sorta fumble through, find the answer, leave the tablet, go back for a new random puzzle with the new symbol andmaybe figure out new interactions.

The situation rooms symbol practice seems the most apparent to need this, since it doesnt seem to do what it says it should here on the page. additionally this inversion symbol has an impossible interaction with the pentacircle as, one of the 3 must be blue and no more, but inverted one must be red/blank and no more, and if there is an inverted and non inverted pentacircle its impossible to solve.

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So the XXX/780 was actually an incredibly simple "cipher" to figure out. Basically the 30 Letters Provided for each listen are generated. Those letters often repeat (but that doesnt matter). You simply take each letter provided in that 30 and count it once. so lets just say you have abcde abcde abcde abcde abcde abcde. All you would do is make a list of ABCDE and translate that to numbers 1-26. meaning you get 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15. That would mean you get 15/780. The total 780 is actually 26 (letters of the alphabet) x 30. Its impossible to have a total of 780 ever, and the obvious maximum you could get was if you were to get all 26 letters in that list is 351. From this point on though i have no idea whats really important about those numbers though.

My Possible Hypothesis is maybe you need to take the 30 digit actual total and get its difference for the given total of "non Repeat". in this case if we take my prior example you get 15/780, but the actual is 90/780 that difference is 75. but even then idk how that is useful. If anyone can brain storm this further, possibly connect dots i never figured out that would be awesome. i did figure out the "Look inside" bit but that was about it. no idea what else to do here for now

it could even be possible we need to take that remainder and somehow divide it up into another string of letters that equal the same total, or Convert that into letters just based on all the single digit letters (ex. A-I, 253 = BEC) but honestly im lost.... there must be something else hidden that isnt obvious. I dont know there are 2 voices talking the entire time but no idea what the background is saying.